主题 : 有佛法,就一定有办法
作为修行者,最大的承诺就是为救度一切父母有情证悟大觉果位而精进修行。一旦出现懈怠,说明我 ..
级别: 至尊会员
UID: 384370
精华: 0
发帖: 2770
威望: 2223 点
金钱: 22777 RMB
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在线时间: 8458(时)
注册时间: 2023-09-18
最后登录: 2024-09-22
楼主  发表于: 2023-10-01 11:41

0 有佛法,就一定有办法

When we judge something, we should maintain a clear mind at all times.

We should first use the wisdom of the Buddhadharma to observe and to discern, and then bring worldly methods to bear.

Yet often when people come up against things, they only listen unthinkingly to their selfish minds or the discriminative thoughts of others.

Then they echo others’ opinions and rarely have their own independent views, let alone implement the Buddhadharma.

The omniscient Mipham Rinpoche particularly emphasized that no matter what we do, it must be done with wisdom.

If we ourselves lack this ability, then we should seek the guidance of those who have good sense.

Only after carefully weighing the pros and cons should one then act.

As a practitioner, if you wish to accomplish anything,

on the one hand you should seek the advice of your teacher and also ask for the blessings of the Three Jewels.

On the other hand, you need to analyze the situation with care and repeatedly reflect upon it.

Only then can the final decision be considered a wise one that will not harm you or others.

If, on the contrary, you are a law unto yourself in whatever you do, make yourself the center of everything,

and willfully act without consideration, then your endeavors are unlikely to succeed and might even bring countless troubles,

leading you to the abyss of suffering in the end.

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